Cognitive Assessment
(IQ Test)
Cognitive Assessment
We are all continually learning through our everyday experiences, and then using such learning to enhance our functioning and abilities. Through this, our cognitive abilities (also referred to as 'intelligence') develop.
For children and adolescents, a cognitive assessment can be helpful to identify the areas of cognitive strengths and weaknesses that they may be experiencing. A cognitive assessment can provide useful information about how your child learns best and ways that they can be supported to reach their potential in both academic and everyday environments.
What does a cognitive assessment involve?
The individual will attend a 1:1 session with a Psychologist (specifically trained in the administration of these assessments). During this session, the Psychologist will guide the individual through a series of tasks involving puzzles, images, and verbal questions.
The word “test” will not be used with the child, tasks will instead be called “puzzles" "games” and "activities" to create a more relaxed environment for your child.
A feedback session with parents will be provided, which will include discussion of the assessment findings, recommendations, and review of the comprehensive report.

What can a cognitive assessment tell us?
​​​The assessment can measure the individual's ability in different areas of cognitive functioning.
These areas include:
Verbal Comprehension – the range of vocabulary and their ability to express general knowledge and explain concepts
Visual Spatial – verbal reasoning, understanding, concept formation and knowledge
Fluid Reasoning – ability to solve novel problems independent of previous knowledge
Working Memory – ability to learn, manipulate and retain information to complete new tasks
Processing Speed – ability to quickly process and make decisions about visual information
The Psychologist can explain which of these areas the individual has strengths in, which areas they find more difficult, and importantly what this means for their learning and functioning.
Recommendations will be provided to families (and to teachers if appropriate). These will provide guidance and strategies to help the individual in home and school settings to reach their full potential.​​
​Types of cognitive assessment:
Dr. Grace Hancock primarily uses Wechsler Intelligence Scales as the basis of cognitive assessments. These are recognised world-wide as valid, reliable, and the gold-standard assessment. Depending on the individual's age and language ability, they will complete one of:
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence 4th Edition (WPPSI-IV)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 5th Edition (WISC-V)
Weschler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV)
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any queries.