We can access nearly everything online these days, from groceries and banking to education and social connections. Information and support relating to mental health is no exception.
For some, the idea of speaking with an unfamiliar person face-to-face can be daunting. Speaking about personal struggles and emotional topics can make this even more challenging. Recognising this, and the preference by adolescents for online content, key mental health organisations have set-up excellent online resources. These include a wide range of supports including options to speak with counsellors via online chat, phone, or email. Some of these are listed below:
Bite Back
An ever-changing space where young people can discover ways to increase the good parts in life, share real and personal stories with others, watch videos, blogs and interviews of interesting people, check and track their mental fitness, and try many different activities. Bite Back is an initiative of Black Dog Institute.
This free, fun, interactive program helps young people identify and overcome problem emotions and show how to develop good coping skills for the future.
Take control of whatever you’re going through. Use ReachOut.com to figure things out and make life better. The website offers fact sheets, forums and other resources designed specifically for young people. ReachOut.com is an initiative of the Inspire Foundation.
Dealing with a mental health condition in a family can be hard. Read or listen to fact sheets, podcasts and the diaries of four teenagers, based on real stories, for clear facts and information. itsallright is an initiative of SANE Australia.
PH: 1800 187 263
Helps young people share what treatments have worked for their mental health issues and find out what others have found helpful. WhatWorks4u is an initiative of Orygen Youth Health Research Centre.
While these websites are targeted at teens, parents may also find them helpful sources of information.
After engaging with some of these online services, one may feel more ready to see a Psychologist in-person. Psychologists will ensure that you feel comfortable in sessions, which is also important for making sure that the therapy is helpful to you.
Please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any enquiries.
Adapted from Beyond Blue